frequently asked questions

Got Questions? Well we’ve got answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. Don’t see the answer to your question here? Feel free to contact us here.
Can anyone submit their School Supply Wishlist to be considered?

Yes! While we are an organization primarily focusing on black/brown girls, we have placed no restriction when it comes to supporting teachers needing assistance in preparing for the upcoming school year. All are welcomed!

Can I submit my list again for following school years?

Yes, you may submit your list every year if you'd like but there is no guarantee selection every year.

When will the scholarship application open?

Scholarship application will open mid-January for early submission.

Who can apply for the scholarships?

Black/brown girls graduating in the current school year. Must have received at least one acceptance letter from college/university showing intention to attend in the Summer/Fall school year.

Can I volunteer?

While we do not currently have volunteer opportunities open, we have many plans for the need next year!

Who qualifies for the For The Arts Scholarship?

Any black/brown girl from the ages 17-20, planning to attend any creative arts school (i.e.Art Institute, Dance, Film School, etc.).